
Nancy Noyes
Dec 30, 2021
2021 Reflection
A note from the founder and president... As 2021 comes to a close, I am reflecting on this year and feeling incredibly blessed. Noyes...

Danielle Reisman
Mar 1, 2021
The Art of Constructive Healing in the Age of Covid-19
As Covid-19 spread tragedy and anxiety across the world over the past year, Noyes Art Designs has been striving to promote healing and...

Nancy Noyes
Sep 1, 2019
"An unexpected place to sell your art." Hmm... this sounds familiar.
Check out this article that we stumbled upon regarding art in healthcare facilities, a.k.a. hospitals.

Nancy Noyes
Aug 1, 2018
ART + EMOTIONS + INTENT // A Complex Relationship
What do you see and what do you feel when you enter a hospital or any other medical facility? Do you feel confident, calm, and inspired...