If you are hanging art at home or office, here are a few pieces of advise from the professionals!
Make sure you have the correct hardware and tools
Assess the wall… are you dealing with drywall, wood, brick, stone, metal? Make sure you have the correct tools and hardware to match the wall type.
Asses the weight of the artwork and whether the hardware it came with is appropriate to hold the work on the type of wall it is being mounted on.
Many online art publishers put wires or saw tooth hardware on their pieces. We recommend that you remove them and install D-rings or cleats. This will ensure the stability and safety of the artwork over time, and allow for more accurate measurements.
For smaller to medium size artworks, use picture hanger to mount them to the wall. These are typically gold or silver hooks with holes in them to put nails through on an angle. These heavy-duty picture hangers can hold up to 100 lbs. each!
For extremely heavy pieces you can still use the gold hooks, but instead of nailing them into the wall, use toggle bolts to secure the hook to the wall through the large hole in the middle of the hook.
Hang art at a consistent height
Industry standard is to hang artwork at a 60’’ center, meaning the center of the piece lines up with an average eye level. This center height can change depending on other factors such as the height of the ceilings, furniture placement, and personal preference.
Regardless, which height you choose to be the centerline, make sure you keep the same center line for all pieces in the same room, and preferably throughout the entire home, except when hanging over furniture.
When hanging art over furniture, we recommend 8-10 inches of space between the top of the couch, bed, or nightstand and the bottom of the piece to allow room for moving heads or placement of other objects. We also recommend that you center the artwork on the furniture rather than centering it on the wall.

Hanging multiples and spacing
For diptychs (2 pieces of art) and triptychs (3 pieces of art): depending on the size of the wall, generally you want to put 6-8 inches of space between pieces of art. Make sure they are all the same height and level with each other.
If you are making a collage wall, lay all the pieces down on the floor and create a balanced composition of images in terms of their size, shape, frame style, and subject matter. Arrange them 2-3 inches apart from each other and make sure the spacing is even around all sides of each artwork. Then, measure the distances between the hardware on the back of each piece and mimic those measurements on the wall.
A quick note on art storage...
Store art face to face, back to back so that the hardware on the back of a piece does not damage the frame of another.
Make sure the edges align so corners are not poking into the center of another piece (if this is the case, use large sheets of cardboard in between pieces to distribute the weight and take away pressure points).
Use cardboard or foam to protect the corners of frames.
If any of the information in this blog post seems complicated, please give us a call, and we will do all of the heavy lifting and hammering for you! The installation division at Noyes Art Designs is highly knowledgeable about anything related to art handling, installing, storing, and transporting. Our installers always have the best interest of your artwork in mind and are capable of solving any questions or issues regarding the placement and installation of art. We install projects that range from 1-2 pieces in a residence to 900+ pieces in a corporate setting. Whether we are arranging dimensional objects on a shelf or a sorting out a collage wall, our team always comes up with creative, well-balanced displays that make your artwork shine.
For questions or assistance with art installation please don't hesitate to reach out to our installation team. We would be more than happy to help.